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Easy to use snakmake function to run the parallel download of SRA runs via fastq-dump.

Snakemake release license forks



multiDUMP is simple snakemake based pipeline to parallelize the download of SRA data through fastq-dump.


If you use this package, please acknowledge Sebastian Gregoricchio in your paper.

Installation an dependencies

To install the pipeline it is required to download this repository and the installation of a conda environment is strongly recommended. Follow the steps below for the installation:

Notice that if you are encountering problems in the installation via conda, try to use mamba instead.

How to run the pipeline

To download a list of SRA numbers what you need is to prepare a sample configuration table with the SRA number and the corresponding name to assign to the corresponding fastq files:

SRA_ID sample_name
SRR125346 sampleA
SRR578951 sampleB

Then, upon conda environment activation, run the following commands (one can use the -n flag for a dry run):

snakemake \
-s </target/folder>/multiDUMP/workflow/multiDUMP.snakefile  \
--cores 5 \
--config \
TABLE="/path/to/sample_config_table.txt" \
OUTDIR="/full/path/to/output/directory" \
SUFFIX="['_R1', '_R2']" \

Where the config flags correspond to:

Alternatively to the manual --config flags one can provide a .yaml file as follows:

TABLE = "/path/to/sample_config_table.txt"
OUTDIR = "/full/path/to/output/directory"
SUFFIX = ['_R1', '_R2']
EXTENSION = ".fastq.gz"

And run the following code:

snakemake \
-s </target/folder>/multiDUMP/workflow/multiDUMP.snakefile  \
--cores 5 \
--configfile /path/to/config.yaml

Collect several SRA accession numbers

To inspect and collect the samples belonging to a specific project you can follow the fastq downloading tutorial. A tab-delimited tables can be downloaded from the ENA browser as described in paragraph 2.2.1 of the tutorial.

Package history and releases

A list of all releases and respective description of changes applied could be found here.


For any suggestion, bug fixing, commentary please report it in the issues/request tab of this repository.


This repository is under a GNU General Public License (version 3).

