Plots a scatter plot of the log2(fold change expression) derived from two differential analyses contrasts.
regression.line.color = "firebrick",
correlation.method = "pearson",
add.foldchange.threshold = TRUE,
symmetric.axes = TRUE
An object of class DEprot.analyses
Integer indicating the position of the contrast to use for the x-axis of the plot.
Integer indicating the position of the contrast to use for the y-axis of the plot.
String indicating any R-supported color to use for the regression line and error. Default: "firebrick"
String indicating the clustering method to use to generate the correlation matrix. Possible options: 'pearson', 'spearman', 'kendall'. Default: "pearson"
Logical value to indicate whether two gray rectangles should be used to highlight the non-differential area in the plot, based on the foldchange threshold indicated during the differential analyses. Default: TRUE
Logical value indicating whether the axes should be forces to be symmetric between x and y. Default: TRUE
A scatter plot of class ggplot2.