Allows for the computation of differential analyses using limma
. Includes means, Fold Changes, and p-values.
# S3 method for class 'analyses.limma'
include.rep.model = FALSE,
replicate.column = NULL, = 2,
linear.FC.unresp.range = c(1/1.1, 1.1), = 0.05,
padj.method = "BH",
fitting.method = "ls",
up.color = "indianred",
down.color = "steelblue",
unresponsive.color = "purple",
null.color = "gray", = "imputed",
overwrite.analyses = FALSE
An object of class DEprot
List of 3-elements vectors indicating (in order): metadata_column, variable_1, variable_2.
String indicating the name of a column from the metadata table in which are stored the replicate IDs. This column is used only if paired.test = TRUE
. Default: NULL
Number indicating the (absolute) fold change threshold (linear scale) to use to define differential proteins. Default: 2
A numeric 2-elements vector indicating the range (linear scale) used to define the unresponsive fold changes. Default: c(1/1.1, 1.1)
Numeric value indicating the p.adjusted threshold to apply to the differential analyses. Default: 0.05
String indicating the method to use to correct the p-values. One among: "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". Default: BH
String indicating the method that limma should use to fit the model. Options: "ls" for least squares or "robust" for robust regression. Default: "ls"
(least squares).
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "indianred"
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "steelblue"
String indicating the color to use for unresponsive proteins in the plots. Default: "purple"
String indicating the color to use for null proteins in the plots. Default: "gray"
String indicating which type of counts should be used. One among: 'raw', 'normalized', 'norm', 'imputed', 'imp'. Default: "imputed"
Logical value to indicate whether overwrite analyses already generated. Default: FALSE