Plot a scatter of the PCs from an object generated by perform.PCA.
# S3 method for class 'PC.scatter'
PC.x = 2,
PC.y = 1,
color.column = "",
shape.column = NULL,
label.column = NULL, = TRUE
An object of class DEprot.PCA.object
, as generated by perform.PCA.
Number indicating which Principal Component (PC) display on the x-axis. Default: 2
Number indicating which Principal Component (PC) display on the y-axis. Default: 1
String indicating the name of the column in the metadata
to use as factor for the dot colors. Default: ""
(each sample a color).
String indicating the name of the column in the metadata
to use as factor for the dot shapes. Default: NULL
(all dots).
String indicating the name of the column in the metadata
to use as label of the dots. Default: NULL
(no labeling).
Logical value to indicate whether to plot two gray dashed lines in correspondence of y=0 and x=0. Default: TRUE
A ggplot object.