Function to generate a correlation heatmap. Includes dendrogram and clustering of the data.
# S3 method for class 'correlation.heatmap'
correlation.method = "pearson",
sample.subset = NULL, = "imputed",
palette = viridis::mako(100, direction = -1),
correlation.scale.limits = c(0, 1),
exclude.diagonal = FALSE,
dendrogram.position = "left",
dendrogram.color = "black",
dendrogram.linewidth = 0.5,
display.values = TRUE,
values.color = "white",
values.decimals = 2,
values.font.size = 2,
values.transparency = 1,
plot.title = paste0("**", stringr::str_to_title(correlation.method), " correlation**"),
plot.subtitle = NULL,
clustering.method = "complete"
An object of class DEprot
String indicating the clustering method to use to generate the correlation matrix. Possible options: 'pearson', 'spearman', 'kendall'. Default: "pearson"
Vector indicating the name of the columns (
in the metadata table) to use/subset for the correlation. Default: NULL
(no subsetting).
String indicating which type of counts should be used. One among: 'raw', 'normalized', 'norm', 'imputed', 'imp'. Default: "imputed"
Vector of colors corresponding to the palette to use for the heatmap color scale. Default: viridis::mako(100, direction = -1)
Two-elements vector to indicate lower and higher limits, respectively, to apply to the correlation coefficient color scale. Default: c(0,1)
String indicating the position of the dendrogram. One among: "top", "bottom", "left", "right". Default: "left"
String indicating the color of the dendrogram lines. Default: "black"
Numeric value indicating the line.width of the dendrogram. Default: "black"
Logical value indicating whether the correlation coefficient should be displayed for each cell. Default: TRUE
String indicating the color to use for the correlation coefficient labels. Default: "white"
Numeric value indicating the number of decimals at which round the correlation coefficient labels. Default: 2
Numeric value indicating the font size of the correlation coefficient labels. Default: 2
Numeric value between 0-1 indicating the transparency (alpha) of the correlation coefficient labels. Default: 1
, full color.
String indicating the main title of the plot. Default: paste(stringr::str_to_title(correlation.method), "correlation")
String indicating the subtitle of the plot. Default: NULL
String indicating the clustering method to use. The value should be (an unambiguous abbreviation of) one among: 'ward.D', 'ward.D2', 'single', 'complete', 'average' (= UPGMA), 'mcquitty' (= WPGMA), 'median' (= WPGMC) or 'centroid' (= UPGMC).
A DEprot.correlation
with the correlation heatmap in ggplot format.