Plots a volcano plot log2(FoldChange) x -log10(p.adjusted) of differential expression results
# S3 method for class 'volcano'
contrast = 1,
up.color = "indianred",
down.color = "steelblue",
unresponsive.color = "purple",
null.color = "gray",
point.size = 2,
point.alpha = 0.5,
title = NULL,
use.uncorrected.pvalue = FALSE,
symmetric.x = TRUE,
dot.labels = NULL,
protein.names.pattern = "", = FALSE,
label.font.size = 2,
label.max.overlaps = 100,
min.segment.length.labels = 0
An object of class DEprot.analyses
Number indicating the position of the contrast to use for the plotting.
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "indianred"
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "steelblue"
String indicating the color to use for unresponsive proteins in the plots. Default: "purple"
String indicating the color to use for null proteins in the plots. Default: "gray"
Numeric value indicating the size of the dots. Default: 2
Numeric value between 0 and 1 to indicate the transparency (alpha) of the dots. Default: 0.5
String indicating the title to use. Default: NULL
(automatic title).
Logical value indicating whether it should be used the normal p-value instead of the adjusted one (differential proteins numbers are recomputed). Default: FALSE
, padj is used.
Logical values indicating whether the x-axis scale should be symmetric or not. Default: TRUE
String vector indicating labels to show on the plot that should correspond to
column values. Default: NULL
(no labels shown).
Character indicating a regular expression to remove from the protein IDs. Default: ""
, no alterations in the protein IDs.
Logical value indicating whether the labels should be visualized as boxes. Default: FALSE
Numeric value indicating the size to use for the dot labels. Default: 2
Numeric value indicating the maximum number of overlaps allowed between labels. Default: 100
Numeric value indicating the minimal length of the segments that connect the labels to the points. Default: 0
(segment always shown).
A ggplot object.