Allows for the re-computation of the differential status and re-plotting volcano and MA plot for each contrast.
linear.FC = 2,
p.adjusted = 0.05,
linear.FC.unresp.range = c(1/1.1, 1.1),
up.color = "indianred",
down.color = "steelblue",
unresponsive.color = "purple",
null.color = "gray"
An object of class DEprot.analyses
Number indicating the (absolute) fold change threshold (linear scale) to use to define differential proteins. Default: 2
Numeric value indicating the p.adjusted threshold to apply to the differential analyses. Default: 0.05
A numeric 2-elements vector indicating the range (linear scale) used to define the unresponsive fold changes. Default: c(1/1.1, 1.1)
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "indianred"
String indicating the color to use for up-regulated proteins in the plots. Default: "steelblue"
String indicating the color to use for unresponsive proteins in the plots. Default: "purple"
String indicating the color to use for null proteins in the plots. Default: "gray"